Category: Live Web
[Live Web] Final Project Proposal
Idea #1: Virtual Toy Theater Toy Theater was historically a medium in which those who might not otherwise be able to access the popular plays of the day were able to recreate their favorite stories and build their own imaginary worlds within the comfort of their own parlors. The parallels to our current media environment…
[Live Web] Midterm
Introducing the Schadenfreude Chat! There are three rules that are advertised on the page through the buttons: Change Background: Keys the user’s image and adds a image file to the background. Drunko Vision: Slows down the frame rate and creates trail images with different hues whenever there is movement detected. Anime Eyes: Attaches a png…
[Live Web] Interactive Websites That I Love: CODENAMES
Since the quarantine, I have become intimately familiar with online games. One of my all-time favorites is CODENAMES. Originally, it was a table top card game, but some internet saint created a streamlined online version. While it’s a difficult game to play, it is exceedingly simple in its execution. The rules go like this: There…